Financial Institution Awards 2021


As one of the most vibrant international financial centers, Hong Kong is a prime location for conducting financial services business that remains one of the four pillar industries, accounting for 21.2% of the city’s GPD and creating more than 270,000 employments in 2019*. The financial services industry has been the driving force for sustained economic prosperity and growth in Hong Kong.

However, with the tremendous impact of the COVID-19, 2020 was definitely a challenging year. Many industries have been hit hard, including financial services industry. To recognize financers’ efforts in stabilizing the financial system and enhancing economic vitality in Hong Kong, the Chinese Edition of Bloomberg Businessweek hosts the seventh year of the “Financial Institution Awards”. The Panel of Judges will review and evaluate entries from Banking, Insurance, and Securities sectors based on their market performance, growth, development, and business strategy in the past year. Winners will be given “Excellence Award” (the highest score winner in each category under each sector) or “Outstanding Award” (the second highest score winner in each category). We hope to motivate financiers to turn adversity into opportunity, and to seek new development opportunities.

We believe that Hong Kong's financial elites have the strength to meet and overcome all future challenges, and seize the opportunity to consolidate Hong Kong's status as an international financial center.

*Source: Gross Domestic Product Third Quarter 2020, Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

作為全球最活躍的國際金融中心之一,香港擁有發展金融服務業的優越地理位置,這行業更是香港的四大產業之一。 於2019年,金融服務業佔本地生產總值的百份之21.2, 提供了超過27萬個職位*。金融服務業在本地經濟一直都擔當著很重要的角色,不但支撐著本港的經濟發展,更推動了香港經濟的繁榮及増長。



*資料來源: 香港特別行政區政府統計處「本地生產總值(2020年第3季)」報告


Organizer 主辦機構

Award Sectors


Financial Institution Awards 2021 covers 4 major sectors




General Insurance


Financial Institution Awards 2021 Details

  • “Excellence Award” will be granted to the highest score winner in each category under each sector

  • “Outstanding Award” will be given to the second highest score winner in each category

*No awards shall be made in a category if there are less than 3 entries of merit.



  • “卓越大獎”:獲得最高評分

  • “傑出大獎”:獲得第二高評分



2021 Winner List




Panel of Judges


Mr. Chan Ho Lim, Joseph, JP, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, HKSAR Government
財經事務及庫務局副局長 陳浩濂先生, JP

Dr. Patrick Lau, Deputy Executive Director, Hong Kong Trade Development Council
香港貿易發展局副總裁 劉會平先生

Prof. Tam Kar Yan, Dean of Business and Management, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
香港科技大學商學院院長 譚嘉因教授

Prof. Fong Yuk-fai, Associate Dean of Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong
香港大學經濟及工商管理學院副院長 房育輝教授

Prof. Shum Wan Hang Stephen, Associate Dean of College of Business, The City University of Hong Kong
香港城市大學商學院副院長 岑運亨教授

Dr. Li Man Lai Mandy, Strand Leader & Assistant Professor, Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration, The Open University of Hong Kong
香港公開大學李兆基商業管理學院副院長兼環球及行業關係拓展處處長暨副教授 李敏麗博士

Ms. Carrie Leung, Chief Executive Officer of The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers
香港銀行學會行政總裁 梁嘉麗女士

Dr. Eva Chan, Chairman of Hong Kong Investor Relations Association
香港投資者關係協會會長 陳綺華博士

Mr. Graham Cottingham, Board Member of Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute
香港證券及投資學會董事 Mr. Graham Cottingham